By joining our network of candidates you’ll receive:
Opportunities for permanent, contract and temporary roles. We are actively seeking temps at present.
Professional and legislative-compliant advice on your resume, interview preparation, presentation and dress code.
Full briefings on companies you are considering.
Confidentiality and support from an ethical recruitment company.
Control: we never present your resume to a company without checking in with you first to ensure an ideological fit.
After-care: we touch base after every interview and for a debrief with honest feedback.
Communication: we check in with you regularly every step of the way - even after you’ve got the job.
A tailored, personal approach. We meet every candidate face to face where possible and spend time with you to understand what you are looking for.
You’ll always talk to a real person and never go to voicemail during our business hours.
You’re not just another piece of paper in a file when you are part of our candidate network.